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Security Doors

Security doors of the leading European factories DIERRE Italy and DE LOME Spain with certified security capabilities.



An enormous collection of panels capable of fulfilling each design taking into account the environmental factors to which it will be exposed.



A variety of  complete security and design upgrade packages for your security door with new type of locks,cylinders, handles  and many more.


Catalog 2018

Download our catalog in PDF format and see all our product range. Download it now! Click the button below.



Stock doors


Greek Stores


Door models


Luminate Colors

About us.

ELDOOR is a trading company specializing in the field of security doors.

She started her activity in 2011 after being staffed by people with many years of experience at security doors.

Long-term cooperation with the leading DIERRE Italy and DE LOME Spain can offer the most sophisticated security systems. Along with collaborations with other Greek companies producing laminate, aluminum, PVC, veneer, it has created a warehouse in Metamorfosi, Attiki with a permanent store of 7 security door models and 17 colors of laminate panels, covering the same day without pre-ordering the needs of the 400 points of sale in GREECE.

In 2014, the need to cover its clients leads to an increase in storage space in cooperation with a logistics center.

In 2015, we started to collaborate on the production of its own security door named START with the aim of financially covering the basic safety need.

ELDOOR aims to offer solutions to the needs of its customers. The constant contact with its customers has created a relationship of trust, which is also its comparative advantage.

Advices from Experts

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